We created the world’s first global pool of carbon permits.
Invest, trade, or offset your carbon emissions with one transaction.
Carbon, pure and simple.
Carbon X Tons (CXT) represent carbon emission rights sourced from diverse portfolio of government-issued carbon permits. Carbon permits are the most reliable way to track, price, and ultimately reduce atmospheric carbon. We are the first to aggregate a global pool of permits and guarantee transparency using a public blockchain ledger.
Fulfill corporate and personal carbon reduction commitments
Gain access to a dynamic new commodity
Realize positive impacts for your portfolio and the environment
The carbon permit market is global in scale and growing quickly. Almost a trillion USD of credits trade each year, about the same as the annual trading volume of the entire Swiss stock market. But carbon prices vary substantially across jurisdictions, and there are high barriers to entry into individual markets. With CXT, we have democratized access to a global portfolio of carbon permits.
Trade and invest by buying and selling the tokens 24/7 on our marketplace. Want to offset your emissions? Just purchase and retire tokens, and a corresponding amount of carbon emission rights will be permanently removed from circulation—and the CXT blockchain infrastructure makes the transaction verifiable and greenwashing-proof.