Reduce Portfolio Risk and Benefit the Environment

Mitigate climate change risk in your investment portolio and generate impact with one easy transaction

Pure Play Carbon Asset Provides a Powerful Portfolio Tool

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Institutional Investors

Gain pure-play carbon exposure at scale with one transaction.

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Portfolio Managers

A carbon credit allocation can improve portfolio performance and offset the increasingly evident climate risk of traditional debt and equity investments.

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Purpose Driven Funds

CXT offers an easy, green, and financially savvy way to make a measurable difference on climate change.

Improve Performance of Your Portfolio—and the Climate

CXT is the most powerful single-transaction investment available when you’re seeking a bottom line that includes positive returns for both your stakeholders and the environment.

Use CXT to Help Achieve Your Investment Goals



The carbon permit market was almost a trillion USD in 2022. That’s deep.



CXT’s blockchain architecture offers transparent, immutable proof of your CXT holding and its value.



One investment offers portfolio-wide benefits of exposure to carbon.



CXT represents the most accurate global benchmark for the price of atmospheric carbon