Offset Your Carbon Emissions with One Transaction

Building a low-carbon future is complex. The mechanism for getting there doesn’t have to be.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint With CXT

Individual Offsetting

Purchase and retire CXT with a few clicks.

Voluntary Corporate Commitments

Achieve company targets with zero administrative cost, complexity or reputational risk.

Point-of-Sale Offsetting

Integrate our streamlined API into your check-out flow to offer customers net-zero purchases.

By sourcing carbon permits from markets around the world, CXT provides a global solution to a borderless problem.

Drive Change With CXT

Emissions offsetting with carbon credits is well-established, usually using voluntary carbon reduction projects. But the project credit market is underdeveloped and the environmental integrity of project credits questionable. Instead, CXT unlocks a market 500x bigger: government-issued carbon permits that are sourced from carefully regulated markets worldwide and affect virtually every substantial carbon-producing industry. Soak up those permits from the markets and you stop real, actual carbon from being released into the atmosphere—and you force structural change even faster than envisioned by cap and trade regulators.

Why CXT Is the Preferred Global Tool for Carbon Offsetting


Environmental Integrity

Government-regulated carbon permit markets have an established track record in driving emission reductions, insulating buyers from reputational risk.


Zero Greenwashing

CXT’s offsetting service enables a publicly accessible blockchain certification of the offset by period, activity, and method of estimating the emissions.



CXT is backed with only carefully regulated government permits, not opaque, low-trust private certification regimes that can damage your reputation, balance sheet, and the environment.



The entire CXT carbon permit portfolio is securely recorded in government registries and visible on a blockchain. When you retire CXT, the equivalent amount of carbon is irrevocably removed from circulation.



Retire a fraction of a CXT or many millions; it’s quick, low-cost, and easy.